[-] allthetimesivedied@hexbear.net 2 points 35 minutes ago

Even as an atheist I love the original Battle Hymn of the Republic.

[-] allthetimesivedied@hexbear.net 7 points 52 minutes ago

16 counts? For talking about Minecraft?

[-] allthetimesivedied@hexbear.net 1 points 6 hours ago

And now I don’t have any headphones at all because I got angry when I couldn’t find part of one or the ear pads on my cheapo Skullcandies and destroyed them.

[-] allthetimesivedied@hexbear.net 26 points 7 hours ago

Completely inauthentic. Where’s the undesirable being harassed by a rent-a-cop out front?


The I paid $25 for these pretty decent ones, they go for $60 retail. Everything was fine and then I remembered the third reason this is trash technology: the screen thingie always comes off, or gets gummed up and has to be taken ‘ off, making it sound like something I wouldn’t even pay $5 for.

If it isn’t that, earbuds will either not stay put, or I’ll lose one, just one.

You have to pay taxes in order to be a person, remember?

So I wouldn’t even wipe my own ass with the Congressional report, the first source linked in the article, but it goes on to cite official data from DHS, published in 2022—and while I don’t blame you for being skeptical of these pieces of fuck, I look at the context and ask myself “Why would they lie?”

Same. I feel like a scumbag for leeching so much from the community but you guys haven’t let me down. And I’ve been let down by so many people and groups who were supposed to be my comrades or whatever. I have no support network in the leftist “scene” anymore, outside of here.

[-] allthetimesivedied@hexbear.net 118 points 1 day ago

they only seem to have mainly Chinese food everywhere

Sorry but lol.

[-] allthetimesivedied@hexbear.net 11 points 2 days ago

This is like when the guy who was just extremely cruel to you for no reason tries to apologize.

We’ll see this image again in a decade or two during a revolutionary tribunal, if they haven’t already been [REDACTED].


The topic: how fucked the Democrats are gonna be unless they nominate someone who people will actually want to vote for—someone who can mobilize their base the way Obama did, and the way Trump is doing now—and how Kamala kinda almost does that, but falls short by being only slightly less milquetoast than Biden. Or something like that.

And Creamsicle will be co-hosting.


It really feels like it’s starting to get out of hand, and the leftist/activist community here or whatever doesn’t seem to really give a fuck,

I was just going to print out fliers and put them up, then see about purchasing a megaphone. I’m thinking of August 8th for the date, still mulling over where the location will be.


It doesn’t seem like that’s possible anymore, even with a trusted mature adult (who’s also a Chapo OG) lined up to hold the bag for me.


It makes me feel like a fucking idiot every time. I never see a fucking adult trip and fall like I do, and don’t tell me it’s OK or whatever, please—I want to know if it’s normal.




Another question: who owns the domain hexbear.net, pays for the servers and such?


I can never get my phone out in time.


City subreddits are pretty trash as is, unmasking just how unbelievably cruel and evil some people are whenever the topic of homeless people crops up. But of all the active subreddits for my city, the main one, /r/Portland, is tame. (/r/askportland is SURPRISINGLY kind, with the occasional evil piece of shit passing through.)

I thought /r/PortlandOR was evil—it’s all but an explicit hate sub—but I found an even worse one. Behold, a pale horse: /r/PortlandCriddlers.

(“Criddle” is a slang term in the meth community around here—it means stealing, or more specifically, at least how I understand it, rifling through someone’s shit with the intention of stealing, i.e. ”Someone criddled my tent”.)

I would not be surprised if someone has posted photos of me or my friends, and I’m honestly afraid to look. It would not surprise me either, if whoever tried to pepper spray me a couple months ago is subscribed to this sub. The language used to refer to homeless people is dehumanizing and disgusting and it borders on incitement. But what’s really funny is I distinctly remember getting someone permabanned by reporting a post that used very similar language. I know Reddit is a cesspool and you don’t care but it takes like a minute to report a couple posts for “hate” or “threatening violence.” And it will do something to curb the growing trend of violence committed against homeless people. A drop in the bucket, but still. It will also be kinda funny to own these motherfuckers.


Some of their affiliates also have cool as fuck flags, take for example the flag of the Popular Mobilization Forces, arguably even more badass than Hezbollahs.



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