To make it more sci-fi: We have only found such thing in one planet in the whole galaxy, maybe universe.
Hyperloop é uma ideia de trem em tubo a vácuo que o Mosca tirou da cartola há uns 10 anos atrás para distrair e atrasar o projeto de trem de alta velocidade entre cidades da Califórnia e vender mais carro Tesla ^[1]^. Todas as empresas dos EUA que investiram na pesquisa do trem a vácuo desistiram ou faliram.
Automation under capitalism is terrible, which is the point of view of the article, but automation under communism is awesome:
Roubado do Reddit sem nenhuma vergonha:
O clássico "último a saber"...
I absolutely hate this headline. They NEVER were stranded. Let me repeat. They NEVER were stranded in the ISS.
They went up to the station to test the Boeing Starliner capsule, which because of issues in the thrusters during the approach to the station, was deemed too risky to send the two astronauts back. The capsule returned empty, and it could have brought the astronauts with no issues, but NASA opted for safer than sorry, avoiding to repeat the Columbia space shuttle disaster.
But even then, Butch and Suni were not stranded. The capsule of the ongoing crew expedition was prepared with two extra seats in case of emergency evacuation, and the two astronauts were enrolled into the next crew expedition, with the Crew 9 capsule carrying only two out of four crew members, as the two in the station replaced two which would have been launched from Earth.
Elon offered to launch an empty capsule to fetch the two "stranded" astronauts, for the measley sum of $500 Million, but the Biden administration deemed it cheaper to have the astronauts to take the place of two others from the Crew 9 expedition, which in my opinion is a great display of government efficiency.
Now, the next expedition had their launch postponed, but Butch and Suni are not stranded. They are just waiting the people of the next expedition arrive before they leave. In case of any problem, even if they get home sick, they can get the four astronauts of Crew 9 into their capsule and return to Earth.
They are not stranded. As an analogy, right now they are waiting the people of the next shift arrive before they leave to not let the shop empty.
You know it's bad when Brazil forces companies to comply better than you.
Ah, yes, the SpaceX method of rapid development and iterative design by... testing in production and making debris rain over the Caribbean, disrupting air traffic in the region.
I'm done with fanboys calling this method genius. "Oh, it would make the production lines idle for months". Bullshit. Just make it right. Compare it to the Saturn V, it only needed one test flight to orbit and never had a major failure, and the Saturn V had components welded and drilled by hand, with 60's tech. Oh, and it launched once every two or three months in 1969, just like Starship today.
The proof Pokémon is doing a twist evil CEO villain! ...Again.
Fake news, esse "projeto" veio de post de Facebook de grupo de ufologia/conspirações. Eles analisaram sinais de radar por satélite, que realmente é capaz de descobertas arqueológicas, e dizem que o software de análise deles tem precisão milimétrica, mas não está disponível ao público. Literalmente um "confia".