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[-] SSJ2Marx@hexbear.net 110 points 7 months ago

Hot take: teachers shouldn't lose their jobs for also having an onlyfans account.

[-] Llituro@hexbear.net 124 points 7 months ago

our society should be ashamed that any teacher has to work a second job of any kind to survive .

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[-] RyanGosling@hexbear.net 41 points 7 months ago

They shouldn’t. But the school saw no problem with her racial facade and hired her anyway. It sucks that this had to be reason she’s fired, but she otherwise would’ve continued getting rewarded for this fraud. I’m not losing sleep

[-] anarchoilluminati@hexbear.net 33 points 7 months ago
[-] Rojo27@hexbear.net 33 points 7 months ago
[-] HexbearGPT@hexbear.net 23 points 7 months ago

Incredible country

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[-] Carguacountii@hexbear.net 20 points 7 months ago

I think you'd be hard pressed to find parents who don't have an issue with their kids teacher also being a pornographer

[-] SoyViking@hexbear.net 63 points 7 months ago

I would have a lot greater issues with my kids' teachers being reactionaries.

[-] Carguacountii@hexbear.net 20 points 7 months ago

well I think the majority of parents closely guard their children when it comes to this issue (in a general sense), because children are very easily exploited, and this matter is one that's very easy for people to exploit others with, so they want to be fully in control or at least oversight of the teaching of this subject - the same goes for politics. Not always with great results of course, and sometimes unintentionally (or in the worst cases intentionally) harmfully, but mostly because of that protective impulse.

Generally, when parents talk about what they want their children to be, they say happy and prosperous, and something useful like a scientist or a bus driver or similar, or to follow in their own career sometimes. I've never heard a parent say they want their children to become pornographers. And again, the vast majority of parents don't want an authority figure and role model for their child to be one. I don't think this is because they don't want their children to grow up to not enjoy or engage in normal human interactions, but rather that its something that can (and often does) carry a great deal of risk and harm, and they want to wait for an appropriate time, when they're wiser, for them to experience or learn about it.

So I'm not sure your implied accusation (I hope I haven't misread you) that its reactionary to not want a pornographer teacher is true.

[-] Egon@hexbear.net 44 points 7 months ago

Theres lots of people I don't want my children around, and pornstars are nowhere near the top of that list. Fascists and reactionaries are. If you open up firing people for what they do in their free time, then I think we should focus on those that are actually harmful first.

Children are very easily exploited.

Do you think having an OnlyFans gives you a craving to make CP?? Do you think OnlyFans hosts CP?
One of the biggest groups of sexual offenders are cops, and they're placed IN SCHOOLS for some reason.

[-] Carguacountii@hexbear.net 15 points 7 months ago

No, and I'd prefer if you try to take what I say in good faith, it'll make this discussion easier and maybe even productive - those are silly questions to ask. That isn't the only issue, just the most extreme one. Its about how and when a child learns about any aspect of this topic, and their learnt perspective on it.

Again, two bad things don't make a good thing. I wouldn't want my children to have cops in schools, because I'd worry that they would influence their development & education, being authority figures and role models.

[-] Egon@hexbear.net 25 points 7 months ago

No, and I'd prefer if you try to take what I say in good faith, it'll make this discussion easier and maybe even productive - those are silly questions to ask.

I'm taking what you are saying in as good faith as possible - that is believing that you believe it. These questions are only as silly as your own premise - So incredibly silly. They serve to highlight the fault in your belief. The fact that you so readily dismiss them (combined with your previous debatebrobehaviour) shows you are not acting in good faith.

Its about how and when a child learns about any aspect of this topic, and their learnt perspective on it.

Again you are here implying that the teacher somehow presents the OF content for the children. That's sick.

Again, two bad things don't make a good thing.


Fuck I unblocked you because I thought you might just've been an idiot, goes to show how far good will gets you, I guess.

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[-] AOCapitulator@hexbear.net 17 points 7 months ago

There is nothing bad about a person doing porn tho, it's entirely separate and irrelevant to being a teacher what are you talking about

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[-] D61@hexbear.net 25 points 7 months ago

"Don't sit on that public toilet seat!!! You might catch prostitution!" live-slug-reaction

[-] AlpineSteakHouse@hexbear.net 14 points 7 months ago

Not to mention that the possibility of a child seeing porn of their teacher is absolutely enough of a reason to say no.

I don't blame the teacher, but I'd prefer for the children to be protected in this circumstances. If it comes to securing the rights of a child or the right of an adult, I'll make my choice. Having young children access porn is abuse enough as it is. The potential that it's going to be someone they know in real life is even beyond that.

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[-] SSJ2Marx@hexbear.net 43 points 7 months ago

If they're not doing it in front of the kids or the parents then it's not the kids or the parents' business.

[-] Carguacountii@hexbear.net 20 points 7 months ago

sure, but once its found out, it is their business since it becomes public knowledge. No doubt many teachers get up to the usual range of activities of various kinds that are seen as illicit or taboo in secret, but they're public role models for children in their profession, so.

[-] SSJ2Marx@hexbear.net 40 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Those other commenters have accepted a premise baked into your comment that I do not. Why can't a public role model also be a model on OnlyFans? The only reason you would think that those two things are incompatible is if you think that there is something morally wrong with one of them, which I don't believe holds water. There is no form of sex work that I believe disqualifies someone from being a role model, and therefore a teacher, a parent, a counselor, or anything else.

[-] betelgeuse@hexbear.net 13 points 7 months ago

I think the other person is not wording their point correctly. Let me try to word it for them, at the risk of putting words in their mouth.

It is revealed to a group of 17-18 year old high school boys that their teacher does porn. These boys have access to the internet. What do you think is going to happen next? Obviously what will happen is that someone will look it up, share it, and then it causes a problem. Not because it's immoral but because you have immature horny creatures bringing something into the school that isn't appropriate. It's inappropriate because school is for learning not ridiculing or being sexist towards your teacher for doing porn.

In a purely practical sense, of teaching students with as little interruptions and interpersonal conflict as possible, it's easier to not employ the teacher doing porn. It removes a factor of friction in an already tedious and complex job.

If we lived under communism where a community of parents could take time off of their jobs and go to school with their kids, and the teacher could pause teaching, then we could ensure those kids were taught a valuable life lesson about what is and isn't appropriate, how to react to porn, and all that. But we don't live in that society, we live in the one where schools are essentially prisons that double as job training centers. Nobody has the time and we don't have the material underpinnings of an accepting culture. Thus, teachers who do porn will be fired.

[-] D61@hexbear.net 31 points 7 months ago

For the tldr crowd...

"Its easier to fire a teacher than it is to teach teenagers that sexually harassing a teacher is wrong."

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[-] Egon@hexbear.net 30 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

but once its found out, it is their business since it becomes public knowledge.

Here's the neat part: No it isn't. It's not something the teacher does at school or during school hours, so it's not public business.
What if the teacher wrote 90's gangster rap songs? What if the teacher was a gun nut? What if the teacher wrote the next big group of gritty fantasy novels like ASoIaF? Lots of SA in those books... Should the teacher be fired then? What if the teacher lands a gig on Law & Order SVU as some sort of sexual offender? What if the teacher likes to jog in bootyshorts? That's kinda scandalous. What if the teacher drinks pepsi, but this is a coke town?
All of those reasons are precisely as valid as your "concern" for a teacher with OnlyFans

[-] Carguacountii@hexbear.net 14 points 7 months ago

Something that a teacher advertises publicly is the public's business.

I think if they're writing books with that kind of material, then yes - I'd fire nabakov immediately for example (at the least). With the 90s gangster rap, it depends on the content. With the guns, it depends on what kind of related material they were publically releasing.

Some of your other examples are too petulant and silly to respond to.

[-] Egon@hexbear.net 24 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Lmao are you Helen Lovejoy?

What people do in their free time is their own choice. You judge teachers on what they do at school, because that's where they're teachers.

Some of your other examples are too petulant and silly to respond to.

Oh I thought we were supposed to assume good faith in order to have a productive discussion? My examples show that there is no cutoff for your moral panic, it's completely arbitrary. You of course won't engage with this because you're a shithead who thinks "debating" is something to be proud of debate-me-debate-me

[-] CarmineCatboy2@hexbear.net 15 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

What people do in their free time is their own choice.

Let me put this in the simplest way possible. The second you focus your energies on defending teachers' rights to do online porn, you have ceded the entirety of discourse surrounding the Education System to the conservative right at best, and the fascist right at worst. You will be exiled to the fringes of society by the parents themselves.

Sometimes it's not about Libertad, Carajo.

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[-] D61@hexbear.net 17 points 7 months ago

So... who was actively searching for this lady on OnlyFans?

[-] CTHlurker@hexbear.net 16 points 7 months ago

They shouldn't have to be public role models though. A teacher shouldn't be held to a different moral standard from any other adult. What the teacher does in their time off is their own business.

[-] CarmineCatboy2@hexbear.net 17 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

They shouldn't have to be public role models though.

As a teacher I disagree. I'm a public servant specialized in dealing with kids. I'm supposed to be held to very high standards. What those standards are is up to the community itself. Refusal to engage with the expectations of said community is just ceding ground to my political enemies, who most likely just want to destroy education as a public service in the first place.

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[-] Carguacountii@hexbear.net 16 points 7 months ago

Well they should choose a different job or if they can't, accept the consequences, because that is what that job is by its nature. Just like a parent is a role model for their children - children are very impressionable, not very wise, and one fundamental, 'innate' type of learning is observational/copying. They aren't 'any other adult' they work with children and teach them.

What they do in their time off is their own business, but what they do in public is the public's business.

[-] Egon@hexbear.net 20 points 7 months ago

Well they should choose a different job or if they can't, accept the consequences, because that is what that job is by its nature.

The job, by its nature, is to teach. That is what they do. You are deciding it suddenly has to include to be some Avatar of public good - although a very strange avatar with a prudish cutoff for what is acceptable.

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[-] heyoheyoheyyyy@hexbear.net 18 points 7 months ago

This is catholic school morality clause shit

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[-] Are_Euclidding_Me@hexbear.net 15 points 7 months ago

You know what else your arguments remind me of? (Also, sorry to respond to you twice in two different comment threads, I know that's kind of rude, but I already responded the other place and I have another thought from reading this comment. So, sorry.)

Your arguments remind me of people who think my sister shouldn't be teaching because she's visibly trans. She's very openly, publically trans and let me tell you, quite a few parents have an issue with that. These parents think that since my sister is a "role model" for their "very impressionable, not very wise" children whose learning style is "observational/copying", the kids will be influenced by her visible, open transness and become trans themselves.

This is, of course, nonsense, but if we simply listen to parents and remove people those parents have issues with, then we end up in a place where trans people are barred from being teachers because of their transness, and that's just bigotry, pure and simple.

I want to be very clear here, I don't have any reason to think you'd agree with the transphobic parents wanting my sister barred from teaching. But I do think your arguments for why an onlyfans model shouldn't teach are exactly the same as the arguments transphobic parents make about trans teachers. Identical.

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[-] SuperNovaCouchGuy2@hexbear.net 32 points 7 months ago

Yeah because Americans are stupid right wing reactionaries that think sex is something Satan gave humanity and get scared when their wee wees harden as a result.

Same logic as drag queens being "groomers" to kids when they read them stories, or trans people being a threat in schools. Just a massive moral panic caused by judeo Christian soylent. A fucking non issue.

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[-] Egon@hexbear.net 24 points 7 months ago

I would have a lot greater issue with my kids going to the same school as a bunch of busybodies. As long as the teacher teaches while they're at school, then it's not my business what they do outside of school.

[-] Egon@hexbear.net 14 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

~~downbear What people do in their free time is their own damn choice. As long as we live in a world where you have to pay money for the place you live in, people will struggle to make ends meet, and they will various solutions to this. Punishing one of these because they do not agree with your puritanical worldview is reactionary.~~

~~If anything we should fire all teachers who practice MMA*. The US is way too comfortable with violence and way too uncomfortable with the human body. Kids TV can show all the violence it wants (as long as there's no blood and gore) but god forbid a nipple shows up. This is not a recipe for a healthy society. If you think a place to start with healing the American rot is with the schoolteachers, then tackle this weirdness about violence. Also let them wear net tops.~~

*I don't actually believe this

[-] SSJ2Marx@hexbear.net 31 points 7 months ago

(I think you misread my comment, I said she shouldn't be fired)

[-] Egon@hexbear.net 26 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Lmao yeah I did, sorry

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this post was submitted on 15 Feb 2024
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