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On this mega I shall take the opportunity to rant about one of my favorite things: the Webnovel UNJUST DEPTHS!
Do you love transgenders?
Do you love communism?
Do you love queer romance?
Do you love killing fascists in a giant fucking mech?
Would a plotline with all of these things happening in a underwater retro-futuristic gundam setting intrigue you?
Especially if its actually really well written with good characters, rich worldbuilding, and a marxist leninist transfem author?
All of the answers should be: YES I DO ~~or else I WILL BAN YOU~~
Since you obviously love all of those things then Unjust Depths is perfect for YOU yes YOU! It is DESTINY
The Imbrian Ocean is at a time of severe instability. The monarch of the vast Empire that spans its unjust depths (:3) is sick and nearing death, every territory of the ocean now vying to carve their own Destiny out of the chaos. From the Volk fascists , Zionists
(they literally will not die why are they still here oh my god), The 'Anarchists' (social chauvanists)
in Bosporus, and the monarchs
of each vast noble domain, each vies for power and prestige no matter who they crush underfoot, but it would be a pretty depressing story without a bright light in the dark.
On the edge of the Empire sits the glorious Union! The (Soviet) Union is a socialist federation of three states (and one anarchist mountain
)that were formerly slave colonies under the Imbrian Empire until they broke away in a fierce liberation war. They have spent the last 20 years since then building themselves up. Whether they be Human
, Shimmi
(Catgirls who usually follow a religion closely related to modern Islam), and Kattaran
(a hybrid humanoid species with characteristics of sea life ranging from sharks to cuttlefish)building socialism side by side.
First lead under the revolutionary leader Dashka Kansal, then the Idealist Ahwalia who lead the country to near ruin in pursuit of building a utopia on pillars of sand, then under the scientific socialist leadership of the Grand Marshall of the Union, Bhavani Jayanskar (I love Jayanskar so much shes basically as if Stalin, Lenin, and Zhukov were rolled into the same person but was a black lesbian badass who wore the uniform REALLY WELL)(she aint the main character at all tho shes only in very few scenes i just love her so much). Under Jayanskar, the Union has been growing their economy to both eliminate hunger and give everyone a home
, but also growing their military capabilities for the inevitable return of the Empire. The Union is alone, but with the people by its side nothing, not even Destiny, can snuff out true freedoms light.
As war wages between the Empire and Republic (basically underwater USA) once more over the lands between them, the facade begins to finally crack...
And a border conflict between the Empire and Union escalate, and the dreaded reconquest begins.
Amidst this turmoil, lives our main characters (yes there are multiple and all of them are lovely). Each of whom I personally love dearly, and are very well characterized. Many are soldiers of the Union, some are scientists, some are divers (mech pilots), some are lost strands finding new meaning after joining this band of Brigands
All are Communists
All serve the Union
All would gladly give their lives to defending socialism
but even they would have little inkling of the adventure set in store for them as the lands beneath the waves erupt in fire, fury, and revolt
Can these transgender badasses kick fascist ass?
Can they kiss? (oh my god please kiss ISTG THERE IS SO MUCH SHIPPING AHHHH ITS GLORIOUS)
please do or else I will pout incessantly
just try it pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase i need to talk to someone about it after Cromalin went AFK
(I miss her, she was a real one)
Join our public Matrix server!
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Here is a screenshot of where to find the spoiler button.
OK so please don't Matt Walsh me, but what the fuck is a woman? It's an undeniable fact that I prefer she/her to he/him. I love my chosen name so many times more than my birth one. Every time I remind myself I'm wearing lady socks, I feel cozy (most accurate word I can think of). But if I ask myself if I actually "feel" like a woman, I can't answer it. I get that I get to claim the word if I want it, but I can't figure out if I do. It's weird.
I have gained gender confusion once again
I couldn't answer this so I deemed binary gender fake and gave up on it. My initial motivation (I was 15, please be nice) was that I hate the effects testosterone has on the body and wanted HRT. It took the guts of a decade for me to separate those and realise that Gender Is Fuckin Fake Shit.
Hearing "dw about it" might sound downright idiotic, but this is sufficient enough to do at least somethin about your gender. If those things are part of "woman" to you, I think that's fine. Whatever label you put on it, as long as what you're doing is making you more comfortable and happy.
Holy shit reading this post set my noggin spinning. Because that's exactly what I've been feeling. Gender is made up bullshit anyway so what the hell am I doing thinking about transitioning into the opposite end of an arbitrary binary. Everything in me feels like non binary makes the most logical sense for me.
I really don't feel like a man, and I don't feel like a woman. But I prefer the fuck out of femme pronouns and my aggressively femme sounding name.
Is nonbinary she/her like... A thing? Cause I think that might be me as fuck. Judging by your post and your set pronouns, is that how you identify?
Aye you're talkin' to one
Transfemme Enby fits me best I think. Female pronouns and aggressively femme name rock.
HOLY SHITTTTTTTT THAT'S SO MEEEEEEE. Oh my gosh thanks for helping me figure this out. I'm so pumped! The sheer quantity of gender revelations I've had on this website since I've joined is bonkers.
Who knows, this might change once I eventually try out estrogen, but transfemme enby feels super good right now.
YEAH LETS FUCKIN GOOOOO![emoji cheer cheer](
That would be funny, the perfect reverse of me. I was on estrogen for almost a decade before I figured it out lol, many different journies
Yeah I need to get more fluent and comfortable with this idea. I guess it kinda feels nice to be able to neatly put myself into a category that other people are in too. I don't like the idea of my gender experience being something no one else relates to. So I guess asking if it is a thing is my asking if there are more people than me in this category I've thought up during my pondering
Fair. If nothing else, it makes it convenient for explaining to others and to be taken more seriously. Like part of the reason I haven't come out to my parents is idk what to even say. "Btw, just wanted to let you know I started HRT because it sounded like a good idea and I'd probably regret not at least trying it. I'd prefer if you avoided certain masc terms, but like IDC much about what pronouns you use and at least one specific masc term is fine, but maybe later I'll change my mind and really not want any masc terms and I do generally prefer gender neutral terms currently" just seems ridiculous to me but that is basically the simplified explanation I have. I know I don't owe anyone any explanation or justification, but like I want to be able to talk to them about that.
It would be much easier to talk with others if I could neatly fit into a box they already knew about. And would be easier to understand how I should fit into existing expectations of gendered social dynamics.
A woman is a kind of historically-contingent negotiation between personal identity and sexed class stratification.
Yeah, "a woman is made not born" and all
This Post Was Fact Checked By Real Soviet Patriots
A woman is a miserable little pile of secrets, but with a wo- at the beginning and makes dress go spinny sometimes
In Manhunt Gretchen Felker-Martin described womanhood as a combination of violence and gentleness and self-flagellation - and honestly, as a far as a list of 3 words can be, I think that's pretty fuckin close.
Feminine rage is so real. But so is the gentleness and maternal-adjacent stuff.
I spent a long time trying to figure myself out, I am agender I never felt anything no matter my presentation. I do enjoy presenting femme but that's it.
Hopefully in time things will become clearer, at least I hope faster than it took me to figure myself out.
get estrogen
This is irrelevant to the question
A woman is a land of contrasts.
Though the answer to the matt Walsh one is "someone who identifies as a woman, in good faith"
Oh yeah I knew the answer to the Matt Walsh one haha. The spirit of the question really was trying to figure out if it makes sense for me personally to identify as a woman, and right now I believe I feel most comfy as a transfemme nonbinary person.
Gender is fucking stupid.
A woman is whatever the fuck you want it to be.