[-] axont@hexbear.net 37 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Transmedicalism is the proposal that trans people are only legitimate if a medical professional says they are. It's saying that being trans is a condition to be treated, not an inherent part of someone's identity.

People like this also tend to say being trans is only valid if HRT and surgery are involved. The reality is someone is trans the moment they declare themselves trans. It's an individual's decision on whether or not they relate to a trans experience, and no medical screening is necessary to authorize them

[-] axont@hexbear.net 34 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

The only example I can remember is on another instance, around a year ago maybe. It was a surprisingly civil conversation between a liberal and some hexbears about the Korean War. The liberal actually knew dates and names of specific documents, knew the names of people on either side, knew stuff about 1950s diplomacy. So i was impressed. There was also a surprising lack of portraying North Korea as a cartoonish dictatorship where haircuts are illegal.

The liberal still used a liberal framework though and was completely wrong. Any bare level scrutiny over the claims would reveal them as imperialist and racist, but it's possibly the only time I saw a liberal around here have at least the bare minimum of a presentable argument.

[-] axont@hexbear.net 49 points 2 days ago


If "13 year old in jail for 2 weeks" doesn't radicalize someone I don't think much breath needs to be wasted on them. What the fuck are you talking about

[-] axont@hexbear.net 14 points 2 days ago

I'd compare leftism in the west to more like a dormant virus that occasionally shows symptoms, but is quickly and ruthlessly addressed because the host is a hypochondriac. And there's no vaccine or treatment of the underlying cause, because capitalism is the cause. I'm a very firm believer that leftist movements spring up then spread very rapidly, like a pathogen or something. The masses can "activate" within weeks sometimes. Movements that begin as maybe 100 people can suddenly explode into hundreds of thousands in just a year, or less. At one point the communist party of China had dwindled down to what, 20 people? And then around 15 years later they had seized the whole country.

I think Porky knows this, that the really scary stuff is uncontrolled widespread spontaneous discontent that coalesces into something more concentrated. That's why they're less afraid of fascists, because fascists will gladly play by the liberal rules.

Also yes I'm comparing myself to a virus

[-] axont@hexbear.net 37 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

"oh no all these people accidentally died by putting them in trains and concentration camps and they died from diseases and hunger. Us poor wittle Nazis tried to take care of them but it was just too hard and we didn't have enough food and medicine :((("

I've always hated this form of Holocaust denial the most. These people are trying to make murder only about explicitly shooting or gassing someone. They're denying any other form of death is a legitimate murder.

[-] axont@hexbear.net 11 points 3 days ago
  1. that's never going to happen, they're an explicitly genocidal party.

  2. you vastly overestimate how much Democrats actually want to win and govern. They do not give a shit. If anything they make far more donor money when they're the underdogs than when they're winning.

  3. i don't know where you've been for the past 50 years, but Democrats don't learn lessons. If they lose because a bunch of people withhold their votes over Gaza, then the Dems will simply blame the left like always. They did it in 2000, they did it in 2016, they were preemptively doing it in 2020 before they won.

[-] axont@hexbear.net 1 points 3 days ago

Are you talking about the polls that show Trump winning Ohio, Florida, Tennessee, and Texas? Yeah those were foregone conclusions. Most national polls I see show Harris up 2% to 5% points. She's at least winning the popular vote, if the election were held today.

[-] axont@hexbear.net 13 points 3 days ago

Yeah this is what it really is. The average American conservative has become so mentally deep fried that Trump comes across as quaint in comparison. He no longer hits the same for them. Or at least, they've gone so ass deep into trans panic and anti-wokeness that Trump's 2016 rhetoric just isn't doing it. He doesn't cater to the same cultural grievance politics that DeSantis and Vance try to lean into. I'm remembering that one time Charlie Kirk was interviewing Trump. He was trying to get Trump to say there's a widespread conspiracy on universities to censor conservative speakers, but Trump wasn't having it. He said stuff like "No they're doing great. Everyone loves me. The speakers get a lot of listeners." Just didn't play into it at all.

[-] axont@hexbear.net 6 points 3 days ago

"I have the best transparent cubes, folks. Come join me in the Trump Cube."

[-] axont@hexbear.net 7 points 3 days ago

Apparently based on the Republican Party's own rules the only way to replace the VP nomination at this point is death, serious illness, or if Vance voluntarily declines.

So in the funniest possible timeline the Republicans could break out the heart attack gun I guess

[-] axont@hexbear.net 5 points 5 days ago

look at comrade diamond turds over here

some of us shit pure yoo-hoo and we like it that way

[-] axont@hexbear.net 8 points 5 days ago

As a kid my dad gave me a manual on self-defense. The chapter on improvised weaponry suggested shitting your pants and flinging the turd at your assailant. It also suggested picking up a human-acclimated duck and throwing it.


Short version, I wanna change my names (first and middle two) sometime this year to something more audibly enby. I have a bunch of stuff I think sounds neat, but is that all it needs?

Like it feels fake at some level, or like an affectation. I don't know what names resonate with me or if they're even supposed to. I feel like this is a common experience so maybe I could get some advice?

I do want names that stand out, but also ones that don't make me sound full of myself, but...also need something that resonates with me and I'm so confused and lost i-spil-my-jice


Hi everyone!

Basically I want to change my legal name to something way more non-binary, including my middle names. I already know there's a state application process and I'll have to get my passport changed and all that.

Are there any more hurdles I'm not considering? I don't even know what I want to change my names to yet, but I know at least one of my middle names won't be "normal" so I'm a little worried about how that might work legally? Maybe I'm worried about nothing. I live in Texas if that makes anything different.

If anyone has advice or had any experiences they hadn't considered at first, please let me know. I'm kinda excited about this.

Oh, and I still haven't decided on any names, so feel free to suggest any lol. I'm looking for mainly like neutral to femme stuff and also naturey sciencey words that aren't typical names. I kinda have a punk vibe too.

Thank you everyone and I love my trans comrades!

flag-non-binary-pride trans-heart bridget-pride

submitted 6 months ago by axont@hexbear.net to c/askchapo@hexbear.net

I just realized I have no idea why this happened. Does anyone have a good dialectical materialist explanation?

submitted 9 months ago by axont@hexbear.net to c/askchapo@hexbear.net

Every chud in my life is obsessed with someone breaking into their house and the situation being resolved with the discharge of a firearm. And these are people living in low crime areas out in the suburbs, with no pedestrians. It's frustrating to talk with these people since their whole worldview is a racist panic over some imagined brown interloper invading their white fortresses.

One of my coworkers tells me he always pulls out his Glock to check the corners when he comes home in the evening. Another has a CCTV system and an AR15 by his bed. I personally don't own a gun anymore because I don't trust myself with one, and chuds will ask me what I'll do if some mentally unwell person high on amphetamines decided to enter my apartment. I guess I'd leave or call an ambulance? It seems so unlikely of a scenario that even if I had a firearm I probably wouldn't use it right, or even register this person as a threat quickly enough to do a John Wick style takedown.

How many home invasions are actually stopped this way? Do chuds all think they're Robocop?

submitted 11 months ago by axont@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

I learned I naturally do goofy stance boohoo

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by axont@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

It looks a little different than it did a few years ago? There's been radio silence since Paradox started over with the new devs. This game has had a really troubled production, I think Paradox has been trying to get it off the ground since 2015. Now it's being done by The Chinese Room, most known for Dear Esther and Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs.

Bloodlines is one of my favorite games of all time, so I'm trying to stay optimistic that the devs also hold it in high regard and will try to make a worthwhile sequel. The gameplay from this new trailer looks a little clunky and weird, but maybe that's ok. VTMB never had great combat in the first place. The dialogue, writing, and vibes are where it's at. Looks like there will be gliding around and parkour stuff? Might be cool.

Anyone looking forward to this game? There's even a release window, Fall of 2024, but this game was supposed to originally release in March of 2020, so don't hold your breath.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by axont@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

I just got around to checking out Psychonauts 2. The first one was always a favorite of mine, really clever platforming and cute story. The second game starts out with a disclaimer that it does portray real mental illnesses, but it's supposed to be playful and humorous. I thought that was kinda neat.

I'm amazed at how much the sequel feels like the previous game too. It came out 16 years later and it still feels fresh and good. Seamless transition, picks up almost immediately after the previous game. Platforming feels smooth and tight. Gameplay is actually the same, which is good to me.

I went into this game thinking it'd just be some nostalgia pandering repeat of the first game, or some kind of hollow cash grab, but nope. Genuine extension of the first game. Worst you could say about it is that it's too similar to the first one, but...that's what I wanted. Good times. Feels like Double Fine at their best, like a culmination of all the stuff they've done in previous games. Jack Black is even in it.

No spoilers please


I suppose it makes sense. I have no close friends and I completely avoid social situations unless I have to be in them. It would explain why I always feel like the center of (negative) attention in any given room, or why I always feel like I'm annoying people or that I sound smug.

The doctor told me people with AVPD often have trouble understanding who they are as a person, and can't latch onto specific identities, but I haven't thought about that much. The pamphlet and stuff I'm reading online also seems to suggest AVPD has such overlap with social/general anxiety they're almost the same thing.

Anyone else have experience with this?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by axont@hexbear.net to c/philosophy@hexbear.net

It's literally like this:

Materialists/Physicalists: "The thoughts in your head come from your conditions and are ultimately the result of your organs and nervous system. Your consciousness is linked to your brain activity and other parts of your body interacting with the physical real world."

Dualists: "Ok but what if there were an imaginary zombie that has the same organs and molecular structure as a living person but somehow isn't alive on some metaphysical level. If this zombie is conceivable, that means it must be metaphysically true somehow."

Materialists: "That's circular and imaginary, isn't it?"

Other dualists: "Ok but what if I were in a swamp and lightning strikes a tree and magically creates a copy of me but it's not actually me because it doesn't have my soul."

Am I reading this stuff wrong or are these actually the best arguments for mind-body dualism

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by axont@hexbear.net to c/askchapo@hexbear.net

I like making weird noise music involving samples. Some of my favorites have been sample CDs from the 90s, and using archive.org to look through PSAs and old news broadcasts. But it's really difficult finding anything good in the piles of just...local community radio and the mountains of college lectures. I like finding stuff that's really eerie or odd, like that one recording of that time the US tried scaring the Viet Cong with scary ghost noises (which didn't work lmao :uncle-ho-2: )

Does anyone else have a more streamlined approach or do any of y'all have any favorite media that's esoteric/creepy?

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