What if we built combloc sadness housing, but we spread all the blocks around like Legos on the floors of god's living room so they had none of the advantages of apartment blocks and also made them cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and also isolated them in the burbs.
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Why not apartments/terraces? Seems stupid to have them detached at that point.
Because in an apartment you’d never get to wake up to views like this 😍🥰
not to mention the freedom to in your very own 30 sq ft back yard
Don't forget all that awesome yard maintenance so you don't piss off the HOA.
i mean 10 minutes a week with a pair of scissors looks like it'll suffice
I see that the designers were inspired by the Japanese internment camps
If you told me this was the back side of an outdoor display park for sheds, I wouldn't even question it.
Possibly due to insane regulations that make it impossible to build apartments... but easy to build single family detached homes.
Lots of wasted space here, I bet you could have minimized on cost and maximized on ROI by just building a couple of multifamily buildings instead. I would have thought there might be zoning issues causing these structures to be built, but after a few minutes of research, that area has "no zoning" and thus has no specific regulations it needs to abide by. What a weird "choice" to make here. You have to sell the American Fantasy of "homeownership" at any cost, right?
Trying to sell people this:
when it's actually this:
I just want to say I appreciate the effor that went into the photoshop here for a one off
haha thanks, I needed to kill time at work today.
Don't understand why it seems like american developers don't want to build rowhousing
they look like two story shotgun houses.
amazing how far we've come to build less sturdy versions of substandard worker housing from the Deep South 100-150 years ago.
reminds of the ironic brag "We are tomorrow's people."
Watching the shotgun house get gentrified right in front of me, in my own city, has been crazy to watch. Ridiculous what people will pay for
The American Dream is to draw a line in the dirt and glare at your neighbors from behind it.
Tiny Groverhouse
I wish I knew what that meant
Groverhouse is a memed-upon house by a guy who chronicled his house building online. The guy who built it knew enough how to erect a house in the first place, but had no sense about a house SHOULD br built, so it came out looking like a mess and with genuine problems, like electrical not being up to code, weird foundation exposures, etc.
Okay those houses look like shit, but I will point out that the ground being all torn up and piles of construction debris being everywhere is pretty normal for mid-development complexes.
Clearing the waste and doing landscaping will transform it from a mid-development complex to a mid development complex.
Tbf "nightmare" is also a type of dream.
for the love of god i beg you just paint it anything other than grey
How are Amerikans supposed to feel at home in it if it isn't painted like an aircraft carrier?
It reminds me of the housing in The Jungle, but it's missing the raw sewage river.
One of the plans at $147k / 850ft^2 / 259m^2. It's comparable to the $50k tiny houses sold on Amazon.
To be fair, these at least have water power and at least some insulation. Those Amazon tiny homes are basically sheds with PVC pipes sticking out of them.
That being said, they're still being sold at like a 10x markup
USAmerican houses look like such shit
uh I thought communism was when grey monotonous constricting living quarters what gives
Although Agenda 21 does not have the force of law, right-wingers believe the treaty’s sustainable-development precepts will force Americans to live in “hobbit homes” and forcibly relocate residents from rural areas into densely populated urban cores. “Agenda 21 sounds like absolute crazy conspiracy theory nut stuff, but it’s not,” explains Glenn Beck. As Cruz puts it on his website:
How could do this?
is it actually cheap for the floorspace tho
This the kinda housing you see in a movie, taking place in the USSR, that was critiqued as being "too on the nose" anti-commie propaganda during the red scare
Don't think that lands. The common critcism is people being packed into apartment complexes "like sardines" which obviously doesn't apply for this, the mistreated goldfish equivalent of housing
The american mind cannot comprehend apartment housing
communist sardine tin can packaging vs. glorious individualist 8 gold fish bowls next to each other
With my god-given 2 square yards of monocultural lawn
Why are there so few windows and why are they so small? It wouldn't be terrible housing if there was greenery, few cafes and shops around and the whole thing was more lively but that won't fly with American zoning laws.
Some of these don't have garages, which is kinda wild for something that's at the very high end of car dependency.
death to america btw
Going from the pictures it was constructed in gm_flat so I guess you just leave your car in the endless field surrounding your townhouse with the worse heating bill
In a vague way it reminds of the ticky-tacky houses in the song Little Boxes
A huge difference is that the ticky-tacky houses were bland and generic but nice. Those depressing gray houses look like they belong in Japanese internment camp - to steal a joke from this thread.
Why did we stop putting windows in houses? Is the window tax back? Can we get some fucking light going on? Look at the sides of the houses, it's gonna be utterly dismal in there
No clue if this is why but there's an interesting design aspect to setting up a neighbourhood so everyone's windows don't just look right in at each other, a lot of developers don't give a shit so instead of doing that design they just leave out windows. Easy peasy.
Americans doing the racist Mexico filter irl but for the burbs
Any idea how much they're going for?
the world really is turning into Minecraft, most glaringly with our architecture
christ this is bleak. you bulldozed the thornscrub for this? couldn't even make them singlestory?